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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thoughts On Hamlet (IN PROGRESS)

I honestly feel like that the ghost is just Hamlet's conscience because his mother can't obviously see the King so I believe that's how he communicates with his mind. I think Claudius is after Hamlet, he might to try to kill him and make the people and the queen believe that it was for justice because Hamlet killed Polonius. Or persuade the crowd by saying how Hamlet is going crazy, although, Ophelia becomes crazy and Hamlet is possibly acting. Hamlet might leave to England for a little while, but I think Claudius will still manage to be able to kill Hamlet. 

The Performative Utterance in Hamlet Notes: 
- Many people have different opinion Hamlet's attitude, some believe that he is actually crazy, but others think it is all a play. In this article, the author believes that Hamlet is trapped and unable to communicate with his feelings, “Hamlet is trapped in a kind of cognitive paralysis, convinced of his duty and yet unable to move that duty from the mental to the real.” The author also believes that he has this power yet he can’t do anything but speak.
- The article says that Hamlet does not swear to avenge his father, but I disagree. In the play Hamlet makes it pretty clear that he will take down Claudius.
-“It could be said with only a little exaggeration that the central problem of the play is that people represent their feelings and their intentions in ways that are contrary to reality. The major way in which intention is misrepresented in Hamlet is through the act of mimesis, a subtler kind of play acting than the one undertaken by the players, and one which demands attention.” I don’t think the exaggeration of the central problems leads to Hamlet as misleading. The exaggeration and characters with flaw combined is what the play is about. 

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