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Tuesday, February 11, 2014


In a blog post entitled HAFTA/WANNA explain similarities/differences you see between your life during high school and life after high school.  Is there a significant difference?  Will people somehow magically transform the day after graduation, or will they take their current habits of mind/word/deed into their next set of daily activities?  How do you balance the things you want to do and the things you have to do, and what are your expectations of yourself and the world around you as you move on?

I want to be myself first things first. Just because I'm going to be in a whole another environment, I hope to always be true to myself. I don't want anything to get in my way of suceess. Something different I hope to see is that I will use my time more efficently and hope to see another new level of me. Overall there's no significant difference during my transformation. I prefer things to be the same as always. Yes, many people change in college. It must be because we are under no supervision and it's up to only our decision to make good/smart choices. Taking someone out of their routine is hard, but when it an be out of control. Organization is the best way to sort and priortize our list of things we want and have to do. Keeping a list will help me balance my things. I hope to see myself achieve my goals and just become a greater person. As for the world, to be consistantly getting better such as no war, lowering poverty, and overall helping countries in need. 

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